Zazzle “Obsessed” :30 Broadcast spot

Zazzle gives pretty much anyone, anywhere, the power to create almost anything. Millions of people use Zazzle's site and tools daily to express their creativity and celebrate life's moments — helping create special memories throughout the year for milestones big and small.

Client: Zazzle
Agency: Sandwich
Production Co: Sandwich

McGraw Hill “The Universe of Knowledge”

We crafted a warm, stylish, and fun spot to introduce the world to Sharpen, a new app from McGraw Hill — a fast, easy, and simple approach to learning. We aimed to capture the beauty and scope of learning that feels just like using the app: both galaxy big and hold in your hand small.

Client: McGraw Hill
Agency: Sandwich
Production Co: Sandwich

Fl!p “Shopping, Reinvented”

In a digital landscape packed with influencers and paid partnerships, Fl!p opens up a whole new world of beauty possibilities by focusing on real user reviews. To introduce Fl!p, we created a playful, fast-moving explainer video to bring the immersive and mesmerizing experience of using the Fl!p app to life. 

Client: Fl!p
Agency: Sandwich
Production Co: Sandwich

MrCool “It’s Cool”

Client: MrCool
Agency: Sandwich
Production Co: Sandwich

BoxyCharm “Discovery”

Client: BoxyCharm
Agency: Sandwich
Production Co: Sandwich

ServiceNow “Put AI to Work for People”

Client: ServiceNow
Agency: Sandwich
Production Co: Sandwich

Zazzle “Product” :15 Broadcast Spot

Zazzle gives pretty much anyone, anywhere, the power to create almost anything. Millions of people use Zazzle's site and tools daily to express their creativity and celebrate life's moments — helping create special memories throughout the year for milestones big and small.

Client: Zazzle
Agency: Sandwich
Production Co: Sandwich

Zazzle “Gifting” :15 Broadcast spot

Zazzle gives pretty much anyone, anywhere, the power to create almost anything. Millions of people use Zazzle's site and tools daily to express their creativity and celebrate life's moments — helping create special memories throughout the year for milestones big and small.

Client: Zazzle
Agency: Sandwich
Production Co: Sandwich

© Kailee McGee 2024